Pairing the Methods
The stability and development of any group is based on its flow of communications whose impact depends on the use of language.
Sustenance of the psychosocial reality depends on the approach duality defined by the diagonals i.e. consensus around key ideas, values and issues, and conviction as to the validity and relevance of those ideas and values.
Consensus must be generated in a responsive and imaginative way to meet general concerns and perceived realities.
Convictions are naturally defended intensely as a way of coping with social forces and imposing the consensus.
Potential clashes between asserting our personal convictions and deferring to the social consensus need to be managed. It appears that a combination of two approaches, one from each diagonal, is required.

As shown in the diagram at right, combinations typically either:
■ keep constant the «expressive sensitivity» zone—which produces a horizontal alignment in the TET.
■ keep constant the «veridical explication» zone—which produces a vertical alignment in the TET.
This means that, as well as a pairing from different diagonals, there is also a pairing from different quadrants within that half of the TET.
Moving from feeling to thinking along the explication X-axis:
- In the Pervasive zone: combining and is a feature of demagogues and charismatic leaders.
- In the Persuasive zone: combining and , is a feature of statemanlike advice.
- In the Specifying zone: combining language and is typical of technical advice and informal analyses.
- In the Unifying zone: combining with is typical of popular theoreticians like historians.
Moving from confidence to awareness along the sensitivity Y-axis
- In the Conformist zone: combining and is used to socialize others.
- In the Analytic zone: combining and enables critical analyses.
- In the Descriptive zone: combining and enables bureaucratic regulations and practical advice.
- In the Revelatory zone: combining gestalt and mythic is a feature of supreme artists—playwrights, film-makers, novellists.
In these combinations, the more powerful influence appears to lie with the conviction approach, irrespective of whether this links to a method or an method.
- Examine the quadrant differences.
Posted without text: 4-Sep-2016. Last updated: 28 Feb-2023.